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User Forum » Guava 11

發表人: Spencer
7 年 前
Do you know what uses guava-11.0.2.jar in WEB-INF\lib ?

I use a newer version in my application that runs on Amazon AWS.

I recently had a problem updating to a newer version OS. After going beyond v2.2.0 my application could not find some functions that were in the newer version of guava but not in 11. For some reason, Amazon v2.3.0, v2.3.1, and v2.4.0 were finding and using guava 11 but v2.2.0 and earlier found and used my newer version of guava.

After replacing the jforum guava with the newer version I have been able to go to the newer Amazon OS.

I am just letting anyone know in case they have similar problems.

Also, if I know what in jforum uses guava, I can test it to make sure it is working with the newer version.

發表人: andowson
7 年 前
You can check this maven dependency of tika-parsers 1.9

發表人: udittmer
7 年 前
If you switch to Tika 1.14 (which is what the latest source code uses, and which you should be able to do without code changes), then Guava is apparently no longer a dependency: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.tika/tika-parsers/1.14

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