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Announcements » JForum 2.4.0 Released

發表人: andowson
10 年 前
The JForum2 Project is proud to announce the release of version 2.4.0 of JForum. This release includes bug fixes and new features compared to version 2.3.5.

You can download the latest war file from the following URL, then deploy it to your Tomcat's webapps directory:
If your Tomcat doesn't unpack the war file automatically, you'll need to unpack it manually, then restart your Tomcat.

發表人: udittmer
10 年 前
In addition to various bug fixes, new features include the possibility for forum administrators to block certain phrases from being used in posts as an anti-spam measure, and embedding of Vimeo videos analogous to Youtube videos. The release also contains a number of security fixes -some of which will be publicized soon- so all should upgrade. See https://code.google.com/p/jforum2/wiki/NewFeatures240 for more details.

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