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Developer Forum » Source Code for 2.4.0

發表人: Amao
10 年 前
Unable to connect to any google related site from shanghai. Is there another way I could get a copy of the 2.4.0 source code? Thanks.

發表人: udittmer
10 年 前
Not at the moment. Within the next few weeks, the project will be migrated to SourceForge (because GoogleCode will shut down), and all further releases as well as the source code repository will be hosted there. Does that help you, or were you looking for something sooner than that?

發表人: Amao
9 年 前
udittmer wrote:Not at the moment. Within the next few weeks, the project will be migrated to SourceForge (because GoogleCode will shut down), and all further releases as well as the source code repository will be hosted there. Does that help you, or were you looking for something sooner than that?

SourceForge is slow yet accessible. And I'd like have a source copy sooner than that. Is it possible that you leave a source copy for me?

發表人: Amao
9 年 前
Update: had a friend checked out from US and zip it for me.

But still looking forward for the relocation.

發表人: udittmer
9 年 前
Just in case you didn't notice, JForum2 has now migrated fully to SourceForge, and the source code can be found at https://sourceforge.net/p/jforum2/code/HEAD/tree/. Took a bit longer than expected since we wanted to release version 2.4.1 first.

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