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User Forum » Category list not showing in Category dialog.

發表人: paulhr
8 年 前
JForums 2.4.1

[Thumb - Snap7.jpg]
檔案名稱 Snap7.jpg
描述 Categories show up in list.
檔案大小 103 Kbytes
下載次數 53806 次
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[Thumb - Snap6.jpg]
檔案名稱 Snap6.jpg
描述 Categories missing from list.
檔案大小 127 Kbytes
下載次數 54448 次
[Disk] 下載

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
That seems to be a permissions issue. From a quick glance, it seems that the category admin page doesn't show categories for which Admin permissions haven't been granted when it was created. Try creating a new category and specifically granting access to both Admin and General.

It doesn't seem to make sense to keep admins from administering categories; I need to check why that is, and if it can be changed.

發表人: paulhr
8 年 前
Admin works, General does not. See attached screen capture.

[Thumb - Snap1.png]
檔案名稱 Snap1.png
描述 沒有檔案註解存在
檔案大小 178 Kbytes
下載次數 54012 次
[Disk] 下載

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
I'm not sure what that screenshot is supposed to show - Test_Gen is not set up for access to Admin users, so it's not shown in that listing. The other two are, so they are shown. Given what I wrote in my previous post, that looks OK to me.

發表人: paulhr
8 年 前
Because of the ability of an Admin to make a mistake and not include themselves, the admin, I now have Categories I, the Admin, can not delete. See screen capture.

[Thumb - Snap7.png]
檔案名稱 Snap7.png
描述 沒有檔案註解存在
檔案大小 163 Kbytes
下載次數 53971 次
[Disk] 下載

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
Yes, that's the behavior I described in my first post. As I said there, we'll need to check what to do about that.

發表人: paulhr
8 年 前

Is it possible to get an SQL statement to correct my mistake and remove the Categories? This is a new install. Nothing uses the Categories in question. Something that would look for Categories without permissions assigned and delete them would be great.

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
Do a "select * from jforum_categories;" and delete the entries that are not wanted. The list of categories may be cached, so that a restart of the web app may be required.

發表人: paulhr
8 年 前
@ udittmer I just discovered that no code changes are needed to fix my error. Sorry this is new to me. I just went to the following....
Admin Console -> Forum Admin -> Groups -> Administration -> Permissions
and gave "Administration" full permissions to all the Categories. Then when I went back to Categories I was able to delete them.

Sorry for wasting your time. smilie

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
Thanks for reporting back. The permission system is one of the more complicated aspects of JForum, but quite powerful once you grok it.

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