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User Forum » disabling captcha

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
Check out the Systemglobals.properties file for properties named "captcha", particularly captcha.registration and captcha.posts. Add those to the file WEB-INF/config/jforum-custom.conf, and set their value to true. Then start the web app.

Alternatively, assuming you built the web app from the latest code in SVN, those settings have a GUI in Admin Control Panel -> Configurations.

發表人: chandumahesh.k@rsninfotech.com
8 年 前
I made the Enable Captcha during registration to false.yet while registering the user the error is "Captcha response does not match the challenge"

發表人: chandumahesh.k@rsninfotech.com
8 年 前
im using Jforum 2.4.1

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
Check the value in jforum-custom.conf and make sure it is correct. if you change it, make sure to stop the web app before changing it.

發表人: chandumahesh.k@rsninfotech.com
8 年 前
i didnt find any jforum-custom.conf

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
It is stored in WEB-INF/conf.

發表人: chandumahesh.k@rsninfotech.com
8 年 前
can u share the svn link

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
The directory and the file get created when you install and run the web app; look in your servlet container's webapps directory for the jforum2 directory. The file is not part of the source code.

發表人: chandumahesh.k@rsninfotech.com
8 年 前
udittmer wrote:Check out the Systemglobals.properties file for properties named "captcha", particularly captcha.registration and captcha.posts. Add those to the file WEB-INF/config/jforum-custom.conf, and set their value to true. Then start the web app.

Alternatively, assuming you built the web app from the latest code in SVN, those settings have a GUI in Admin Control Panel -> Configurations.

i want to disable the captcha while registering

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
Then which of the two setttings do you think will be involved?

發表人: chandumahesh.k@rsninfotech.com
8 年 前
i have done as u said

[Thumb - same issue.png]
檔案名稱 same issue.png
描述 沒有檔案註解存在
檔案大小 29 Kbytes
下載次數 53866 次
[Disk] 下載

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
That's odd. Stop the web app, and inspect jforum-custom.conf for the value of the captcha.registration property and post it here. IN fact, post all "captcha.*" property values here.

發表人: chandumahesh.k@rsninfotech.com
8 年 前
Captcha response does not match the challenge.

檔案名稱 jforum-custom.txt
描述 沒有檔案註解存在
檔案大小 1 Kbytes
下載次數 53992 次
[Disk] 下載

檔案名稱 SystemGlobals.properties
描述 沒有檔案註解存在
檔案大小 19 Kbytes
下載次數 53551 次
[Disk] 下載

發表人: udittmer
8 年 前
You're right, there is a bug in 2.4.1 that causes the values of registration captcha and post captcha to not being used correctly. I have just checked in a fix for that into the SVN repository. If you grab the latest source code and build the war file yourself using Maven, you will get the fix and everything else listed in https://sourceforge.net/p/jforum2/wiki2/NewFeaturesTrunk/ as well.

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