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Joined: 2020/10/8
Messages: 3

1- I have created a customed configuration file named jforum-custom.conf under WEB-INF/config/ directory.
2- I have added the following key and value into it: installed=true
3- I have redeployed the JForum application in Websphere

I can see the old topics and add new ones but when I use the search option it only works with the newly added topics ignoring totally the old ones.

Any ideas ?



Joined: 2013/2/21
Messages: 425
That sounds like you did an update of an existing JForum installation? if so, did you bring over the Lucene index (the jforumLuceneIndex directory in WEB-INF)? If not, you'll have to reindex all posts: Admin Control Panel -> Lucene Statistics -> Click "by message ID" and enter 0 and 10000 (any number that is significantly higher than how many posts you have) -> Select "Recreate index from scratch" and click "Start". Reindexing can take a while if you have many posts; check the log files for progress updates. Once it's finished, all posts should be visible in the search.

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Joined: 2020/10/8
Messages: 3
Thank you for your quick response.

Exactly. There was already an installation and later I added the jforum-custom.conf file under WEB-INF/config/ directory. This way I have managed not to create a new database every time the application is redeployed.

I am a newbie with JForum. What you propose me:
- I suppose I have to do it from http://lucene.apache.org/ or
- Can I do it directly in the database?


Joined: 2013/2/21
Messages: 425
You'd do it inside your JForum installation. The link "Admin Control Panel" is at the bottom of each page, if you're logged in as an administrator.

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Joined: 2020/10/8
Messages: 3
Hello udittmer,

the problem has been solved !!! Now, it is working fine for me .

Thanks for your help

Joined: 2013/2/21
Messages: 425
You're welcome. Let us know if you hit any other snags.

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