It's been a while since the last release, and we've been busy adding features and fixing bugs to make JForum even better than it already is. A servlet container that supports
Servlet API 3.1 is now required, for example Tomcat 8. Some of the new and improved features are:
Registration can be restricted to particular email addresses or email addresses from particular domains, and then be auto-assigned to specific groups.
The authenticity of outgoing emails can now be verified via DKIM.
The registration pages and the password recovery pages are now mobile-friendly.
It's now possible to log in with the email address as well as username, as that is what users expect these days.
New default connection pool, potentially increasing performance with multiple concurrent users.
Numerous bug fixes and small improvements
A full list of new features is at, upgrade instructions are at and you can download it from The documentation is at
All feedback is welcome.