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JForum 2.8.3 is out with various fixes and improvements. Read all about it here

Big upgrade, one last question about private messaging RSS feed
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James Bucanek

註冊時間: 2018/9/17
文章: 14
來自: Phoenix, AZ, USA
Many years ago, I remember a discussion about disabling private messaging (it is still an unfortunate source of spam for my users). I vaguely remember that a switch was going to be added to a future version, but I was still running an older version.

Now that I'm up-to-date, I went cruising through the settings and group configurations and I couldn't find any such switch. Am I missing something, or is there still no way to turn private messaging off?

(I suppose I could edit the templates and just comment out any "send private message" buttons...)

註冊時間: 2013/2/21
文章: 424
I don't remember that discussion (might have been before my time), but currently this option does not exist. But I can see how an unlimited PM capability might be unwanted or downright problematic, so I'll add that switch for the next version. But it might be a while until that is released, so for the time being commenting out the PM button (in default/user_profile.htm and default/mobile/user_profile.htm) and the link to the PM page (in default/header.htm) is your best option.

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