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註冊時間: 2021/3/22
文章: 35
I have a problem with forum search.
my search options:
3 search keywords with spaces
Search any term
Message subject only
and specific forum selected

So the problem is i have 159 results. First page is good, but when i try to pass any other page i have no results.
Experimentally i found that problem in the number of search keywords.
Should i use any other delimiter instead of spaces or it's a bug?

註冊時間: 2013/2/21
文章: 431
This kind of issue is hard to track down without having access to the forum in question. Can you reproduce it on this site?

So the problem is i have 159 results. First page is good, but when i try to pass any other page i have no results.

You mean clicking the pagination buttons?

Experimentally i found that problem in the number of search keywords.

What specifically did you test, and what, exactly, was the result?

Should i use any other delimiter instead of spaces or it's a bug?

Spaces are correct.

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註冊時間: 2021/3/22
文章: 35
This kind of issue is hard to track down without having access to the forum in question. Can you reproduce it on this site?

No, there is another problem, take a look at images

You mean clicking the pagination buttons?


What specifically did you test, and what, exactly, was the result?

By changing search options. Problem shows only when i type 2 or more keywords
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  • [Thumb - 2024-12-10_21-56-35.png]
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 描述 沒有檔案註解存在
 檔案大小 155 Kbytes
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  • [Thumb - 2024-12-10_21-57-31.png]
 檔案名稱 2024-12-10_21-57-31.png [Disk] 下載
 描述 沒有檔案註解存在
 檔案大小 132 Kbytes
 下載次數:  1381 次

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