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LDAP setup for JForum RSS feed
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Joined: 2012/10/4
Messages: 3
Hi All,

I set up the jforum-2.1.9 on apche tomcat for my organisation. Only thing is pending with LDAP(Micro soft AD). Kindly please let me know the proces..I have configured "SystemGlobals.properties" file. Still it is not able to authenticat. Kindly please let me know. How to proceed further. These are the only configurations, i have updated. Kindly let me know, if i need to do any other configuration changes.You quick response is more appreciated.

ldap.security.protocol =LDAP v3

# Security authentication to use. Possible values: "none", "simple", "strong",
# "EXTERNAL" (SASL). Leave empty (default) to let the provider figure it out
ldap.authentication =EXTERNAL

# Class that provides a LDAP factory
ldap.factory = com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory

# The prefix your LDAP server requires. e.g 'uid='
# The username supplied gets inserted just after the prefix,
# e.g: 'uid=username' so adjust the prefix properly
ldap.login.prefix = CN=

# The suffix your LDAP server requires.
# e.g 'ou=Users,dc=department,dc=company,dc=com'
ldap.login.suffix = OU=Users,OU=KLC,OU=APAC,DC=Company,DC=ad

# The url of your LDAP server.
# Notice that if your LDAP server uses SSL you will need to configure your
# server certificate so that Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) will accept it.
# Read http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/tutorial/ldap/security/ssl.html
ldap.server.url = ldap://xxx.xx.xx.xxx

# Field that holds the user's email
ldap.field.email = mail

# ActiveDirectory
# To configure LDAPAuthenticator integrating with Microsoft Active Directory. The following two keys should be necessary.
# They are similar to ldap.login.prefix and ldap.login.suffix , but it's used when looking up user infomation
# rather than authentication. It's used when the login Distinguished Name (DN) is formatted differently from the lookup
# DN on some LDAP servers, for example, Microsoft Active Directory. If it's the case, you should add these keys in additional
# to ldap.login.prefix and ldap.login.suffix .
# The following example is for configuring on Microsoft Active Directory:
# ===========================
# ldap.login.prefix=CN=
# ldap.login.suffix=CN=Users,DC=jform,DC=net
# ldap.lookup.suffix=CN=Users
# ===========================
ldap.lookup.prefix =CN=
ldap.lookup.suffix =OU=Users,OU=HST,OU=HYD,OU=INDIA,DC=Company,DC=ad


Joined: 2011/6/30
Messages: 251
I have no experience with LDAP integration for JForum. Maybe you can reference this issue:
And also, you can try to use a new version JForum like JForum 2.3.4.

Joined: 2012/10/4
Messages: 3

Thank yo very much for prompt response. I tried as shared link described, this is showing invalid login user id/Password. In that configuration, as it described if we hard code the username and password. It will always try to authenticate the only one user every time.

I found,There is a class file LDAPAuthenticator.class. Which is getting all the user names and passwords dynamically from the login page and preparing the LDAP principle string. I tried to configure that("SystemGlobals.properties") as well as posted erlier.

I wonder while doing these two ways. it is not trying to do LDAP authenticatio. I am not getting any ldap connctivity error. If you have any more LDAP related info or doc setting up for jforum. Kindly please share me if you have relavant Links/documents for jforum.

Kindly assist me to sort out this issue.

Veera Kumar


Joined: 2011/6/30
Messages: 251
You can read these articles for futher information:
And maybe you can change the ldap.authentication value to "DIGEST-MD5" and check if it works.

Joined: 2012/10/4
Messages: 3

Finally i have taken the jforum code and executed as a single java file with the minor changes and succeeded to authenticate the user over the LDAP. But in the actual jforum LDAPAuthenticator.java is not getting the request for authenticate over the LDAP. If i am able to get the request till the "LDAPAuthenticator.java". I can provide the same properties to authenticate the user over LDAP to make it work. For LDAPD we need to set any property for getting the request till/to "LDAPAuthenticator.java". Kindly suggest me.

Thanks In Advance,


Joined: 2013/1/27
Messages: 1

I just wanted to know if you finally succeeded to connect to an AD ldap , and the steps you've done

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