Wow, was I glad to see that jforum is still alive
I took the original 2.1.8 from Rafael site back in 2008/9 and startet to change the code and functionality some places. It was mainly about security since I use the forum for semi military purposes. I run the forum on a server in my own house behind a firewall and a apache proxy. I have Ubuntu server running virtualbox. The app runs in Tomcat. All behind SSL of course
I removed the self registration, the lost password page, upped the password criteria, and lots of other changes. Mostly small changes. The only way to register is by an invitation by admin.
I was looking forward to maybe upgrade to Jforum 3 some time but then I relized that Rafael stopped the development over two years ago.
Stumbling upon Jforum 2.3.5 today I am looking forward to maybe do some upgrading after all

Nice suprise to find you guys here doing things with the old thing
Do I am afraid my changes will get lost one by one when upgrading.
Since I have the original 2.1.8 installed can I just upgrade with yours step by step for each version U think?
I am creating a clone of the virtualbox and look forword to do some upgrading.