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User Forum » Modding JForum squirrel logo

發表人: marcpare
10 年 前
I am part of a group that is preparing a JForum site with this fork of JForum, and, we would like to create a logo for our JForum site. However, someone on our team asked if there was a possibility to mod the JForum squirrel as another option. I have asked this question on JavaRanch and one of the responders said that the JForums owner (from JForum.net) gave us the permission, but, I was wondering if I should have asked the question here instead.

Was I right to assume that I would have to refer to the JForum.net owner (group) for permission to do this? Or is the squirrel logo under some kind of permissive license that would allow our group of member-designers to mod the squirrel to their liking?


發表人: andowson
10 年 前
As I know, the JForum logo was created by JForum team(Pablo Marutto, http://jforum.net/team.jsp).
And the logo is part of the project. Since JForum2 is released under the BSD-style license, you can modify it as you like.

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