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User Forum » captcha not working on jboss 7

發表人: akashm
10 年 前
Im trying to run jforum 2.3.4 on jboss 7.1.1.
Everything is working fine its just that the captcha does not show up and throws an exception.
Any help would be appreciated

檔案名稱 server.log
描述 Server Log File
檔案大小 88 Kbytes
下載次數 55543 次
[Disk] 下載

發表人: andowson
10 年 前
Try adding this line
<path name="com/sun/image/codec/jpeg" />

to the JBoss module.xml file:

Check if this works.

發表人: akashm
10 年 前
that did the trick...thanks a lot!!

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