Hi everyone,
We are pleased to announce the release of JForum 2.3.1. This release includes bug fixes and new features compared to release 2.3.0:
1.Update jquery version to 1.6.2
2.Update lucene version to 3.3.0
3.Update mysql JDBC driver to 5.1.17
4.Update to quartz 2.0.2
5.Add jquery-1.6.2.min.js for use locally
6.Add reply sequence mark for each post
7.Change the display of modertator list from group name to username
8.Fix admin/forum_form.htm mailIntegration.isSSL() to mailIntegration.isSsl()
9.Fix anonymous user can edit post when allow edit permission is set
10.Fix banlist admin problem when database has database.support.autokeys=true
11.Fix cache problem when changing topic.recent, topic.hottes, topicsPerPage values in jforum-custom.conf
12.Fix captcha/generate URL in some HTML templates.
13.Fix forum total topics is not decremented after running POPListenerTestCase.deleteTopic()
14.Fix forumId becomes 0 in /posts/waitingModeration/0/${forumId}.page when a forum is moderated
15.Fix last post time problem after logout and login back in the same connection
16.Fix log4j.dtd problem in Eclipse
17.Fix LuceneSearchTestCase Lucene version setting
18.Fix moderator can delete other forum's post which is not moderated by him/her
19.Fix post cache problem of double formatting when a user replies to a registered user's non-cached post
20.Fix post cache problem when a topic contains multiple page
21.Fix post date wrap problem in post show
22.Fix some page layout
23.Fix SystemGlobals reload error
24.Fix topic title too long in forum list
25.Fix user cannot logout when he/she is banned
26.Fix user's total posts is not decremented when deleting topics in moderation mode
27.Include language specific css in admin panel
28.Modify html.tags.welcome and html.attributes.welcome
29.Rearrange user_form.htm
30.Remove extra space after double quote
31.Replace replaceAll() with String class's replaceAll()
You can download the latest war file from the following URL, then upload it to your Tomcat's webapps directory: