Message |
You may check this Tomcat 5.5 document for some description of DBCP:
4. Configure Tomcat's Resource Factory
Some additional properties handle connection validation:
validationQuery - SQL query that can be used by the pool to validate connections before they are returned to the application. If specified, this query MUST be an SQL SELECT statement that returns at least one row.
validationQueryTimeout - Timeout in seconds for the validation query to return. Default: -1 (infinite)
testOnBorrow - true or false: whether a connection should be validated using the validation query each time it is borrowed from the pool. Default: true
testOnReturn - true or false: whether a connection should be validated using the validation query each time it is returned to the pool. Default: false
I have a copy of, you can rename it as jforum-2.1.8.war.
Maybe you need to reindex all your posts. You can go to the Admin Control Panel > Lucene Statistics > Recreate Index
You may try to disable cache by adding the following setting to jforum-custom.conf and see if this works
# Topics, Posts and Cache
topic.cache.enabled = false
posts.cache.enabled = false
You can find the DB schema upgrade scripts under the upgrade directory. The subdirectory name is for the new jforum version where database schema is also changed. So, you'll need to go through each subdirectory from 2.1.5 to 2.8.0.
Using this as an example for mysql:
mysql -u USERNAME -p DBNAME < 2.1.5/mysql_2.1.4_to_2.1.5.sql
Please provide some system environment information and screenshots.
The JForum2 Project is proud to announce the release of version 2.5.0 of JForum. This release includes bug fixes and new features compared to version 2.4.1.
You can download the latest war file from the following URL, then deploy it to your Tomcat's webapps directory:
If your Tomcat doesn't unpack the war file automatically, you'll need to unpack it manually, then restart your Tomcat.
Hi, I just upgraded this site to the beta version of JForum 2.5.0. Please check if anything goes wrong after upgrade.
For me, I have to reset my password using forgot password before login successfully.
You can download the attachment and unzip it into your local .m2 repository com/jhlabs directory.
The path should be like: C:\Users\%username%\.m2\repository\com\jhlabs
JForum uses some cache mechanism internally. So if you modify the database data outside of JForum application you will probably not get it displayed on JForum pages without reloading JForum.
You can check this maven dependency of tika-parsers 1.9